About FLY

Financial Literacy for the Youth (FLY) is an organization committed to the empowerment of the Youth through personal finance. Through our teachings, our members will gain exposure in topics regarding budgeting, taxes, credit, loans, insurance, and investing. University students are taught the material by the governing body at their respective institution. Upon completion, these students are then given the opportunity to spread their knowledge to the local community.

We currently have charters at Binghamton University and Ohio State University.

Member Benefits

Becoming a member will give you access to the financial literacy education that many of us missed out on from traditional schooling. In becoming a member, you will also have the option of going to organizations in the local community to teach financial wellness. Members will gain exposure to topics such as personal finance & financial statements, managing income taxes, building and maintaining good credit, investment fundamentals, investing through mutual funds, and managing risk.

Volunteering Opportunites

Join our community outreach team and help us bring financial literacy concepts and educational games to students at local schools. Be a part of our effort to promote financial education and engage students in fun learning activities.

Currently Volunteering at:
Windsor High School
Whitney Point High School

Topics Covered

We cover a variety of personal finance topics to prepare our members for financial wellness and growth. We encourage members to take what they learn in our lessons and spread their knowledge to members of their community through our volunteer program.


Learn about how to successfully budget your finances.


Learn about the importantance of paying taxes, the government's roles, and how you can file your own.

Credit and Debit

Learn the difference between different lines of credit, see which one is right for you, and prepare for the future.


Gain knowledge on loans, when you may need them, and why they are important.


Understand how to manage risk with insurance, learn about different types, and laws.

Stocks, and Mutual Funds

Understand different types of stocks and how they are used in today's economy.


Gain knowledge on bonds, why you should care, and how you can buy them.

Financial Accounts

Learn about bank and financial accounts.

More to come!

We are working to add more personal finance topics in the future.

Get in Touch

Have questions about FLY or want to open a charter? Contact us now more information on FLY and how to begin!